Sunday, February 5, 2012

Snow Day!

Wearing: F+F scarf, Topshop Jacket and Jeans, New look boots, Spike topshop ring, other rings (from blog shop coming soon!) Beanie (last pic)  Friend n' Foe Here. 
Yay! A snow day! I hope those of you that got snow have been having fun! I like snow the first day, when it is all pretty and not trod in. By about the second day I hate it! Especially when it turns to slush! But it gave me an excuse to wear my bomber hat that I have not worn in years! I was not so prepared for the snow, despite the news, I did not pack any flat shoes with me! Thats the blonde coming out, hence I am wearing heels in these pictures! Luckily I didn't get too injured!

I tried my first ever nail art, its meant to be a nebula design, I suppose it almost looks like that! I might try it again with different colours, practice makes perfect ay! If you want to find out how to do it this is a great youtube video on it.

I am very excited to say that you will be able to purchase my rings soon! I will be opening an online jewelry store, in the meantime I will be holding a giveaway for a lucky few to get your hands on them first! Stay tuned for it's announcement next week!