There is a few things I would like to share with you.
Right by the elevator, there is a woman who gives welcome package, she gives us a discount card and a nice map. Also much useful information such as the “fresh fruit market."
The restaurant close by is pricey, the food is very good though. If you don’t mind an extra 5 to 10 mintues walk, there is a “beach hut” which is much cheaper yet has very good food. We had catch of the day—"atti fish" yesterday. The salad with the papaya seed salad dressing is very fresh and tasty. There are roosters and hens who will eat your leftovers, if you have any!

Monday and Tuesday there is a hotel shuttle to the city mall. You can get groceries and also eat. It starts at 9:30 am in the morning and leaves every 30 minutes. The shuttle stops at 3pm.
Timothy Lee, a student from Optoelectornics research center, Univ. of Southampton, came a few days early. He gathered a lot of information and toured part of the city by BUS! Many places you can go by bus if you don’t have a rental car. The fare is pretty cheap.
Last don’t forget to check the weather forecast every day.